Speaker Tools

Speaker Toolbox

Speaker Registration

You should have received an email with registration information. If you did not, or have questions, please email us at registration@dataversity.net or call us at 310-337-2616 x1.

Presentation Materials

Presentation files are due on August 1. Please send your original PowerPoint or Keynote file to Cristina Lim at cristina@dataversity.net. If you use a different format (such as Prezi) please send a PDF file in the format of 1-per page in full color, with print protection turned off.  Your presentation will ultimately be placed onto the password-protected Smart Data website, in the 1-per page, full color format.

Promote your presence at this event:

Please promote your participation in the conference. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Twitter (#SmartDataWeek) or Blog about your upcoming session. 
  2. Post your Twitter, LinkedIn, and/or Facebook ID on the pop-up for your session. This allows people to follow or contact you in advance of the conference. Email us so we can add it for you. For an example, please click here.
  3. Shout about your upcoming session on your blog or social media. The official hashtag is #SmartDataWeek and you’ll find us on:
  4. List the Smart Data Conference on your upcoming events calendar or company intranet. Refer to the URL of www.smartdataweek.com.
  5. Invite Press or Analysts. Know someone who should be invited to cover the conference? Let us know.  
  6. Mass Email? If you have a large list of clients or contacts that you would like to promote your session to, we can help! 
    Email Cristina at cristina@dataversity.net.
  7. Post a button on your website or blog. Right click and save the button below and link it to www.smartdataweek.com or click here to view our other options: http://smartdata2015.dataversity.net/eventbuttons
    Download a Button!




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