Agenda At-a-Glance
Full Schedule

Full Schedule Tue, Aug 18 Wed, Aug 19 Thu, Aug 20
Tuesday, 8/18/2015
In-Depth and Technical Sessions 08:30 AM - 11:45 AM
Title Speakers Audience Track
Cognitive Computing 201 – Incorporating the Technology Steve Ardire, Startup Advisor
Anthony (Tony) K. Sarris, N2Semantics
Cirrus Shakeri, Inventurist
James Kobielus, IBM
Matt Sanchez, CognitiveScale
Technical - Intermediate
Cognitive Computing
Key Things you Need to Know About RDF (and Why They are Important) David Booth, HRG / Rancho BioSciences
Technical - Introductory
Semantic Technology
Introduction to Knowledge Graphs and Rich Semantic Search Peter Haase, metaphacts
Barry Norton, British Museum
Denny Vrandecic, Google
Technical - Intermediate
Knowledge Engineering and Management
Semantic Technology
Ontology 101– An Introduction to Knowledge Representation and Ontology Development Elisa Kendall, Thematix Partners LLC
Deborah L McGuinness, RPI and McGuinness Associates
Technical - Introductory
Knowledge Engineering and Management
Semantics and NoSQL: How (and Why) to Do Semantics in a NoSQL Document Store / Database Stephen Buxton, MarkLogic
Charles Greer, MarkLogic
Technical - Intermediate
Semantic Technology
Shared Session - NoSQL Now and Smart Data
Break 10:00 AM - 10:15 AM
In-Depth and Technical Sessions 10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Title Speakers Audience Track
Commercial Cognitive Computing: How to Choose and Build your First Cognitive Computing Application Adrian Bowles, STORM Insights
James Kobielus, IBM
Business Applications
Cognitive Computing
JSON-LD Brian Sletten, Bosatsu Consulting, Inc.
Technical - Introductory
Semantic Technology
Lunch Break 11:45 AM - 01:00 PM
Sessions and Panels 01:00 PM - 01:45 PM
Title Speakers Audience Track
Taming Big Data Variety with Semantic Graph Databases Evren Sirin, Complexible Inc
Technical - Intermediate
Big Data
Shared Session - NoSQL Now and Smart Data
How to Build Deep Learning Models Josh Patterson, Skymind
Technical - Introductory
Deep Learning
Healthcare Analytics with a Smart Data Lake Jans Aasman, Franz Inc
Parsa Mirhaji, MD, PhD, Montefiore Medical Center
Technical - Intermediate
Business Applications
AI: It’s Not Man Versus Machine, It’s Man and Machine Matt Sanchez, CognitiveScale
Technical - Introductory
Cognitive Computing
Maximizing Information in Brain Imaging Studies Vince Calhoun, Mind Research Network
Technical - Intermediate
Natural Language Processing: New Approaches and Solutions Seth Earley, Earley Information Science
Adam Pease, IPsoft
Luigi Paraboschi, Expert System
Mark Stephen Meadows, Botanic, LLC
Technical - Introductory
Natural Language Processing
Tabular Data on the Web Gregg B Kellogg, Kellogg Associates
Technical - Introductory
Enabling a Flexible Infrastructure for Internet of Things: Challenges and Experiences Teresa Tung, Accenture Technology Labs
Karthik Gomadam, Accenture Technology Labs
Business Applications
Break 01:45 PM - 02:00 PM
Sessions and Panels 02:00 PM - 02:45 PM
Title Speakers Audience Track
Smart Modeling with KADS Thought Patterns Bobbin Teegarden, OntoAge, and No Magic
Alex Rush, ExperShare
Technical - Introductory
Cognitive Computing
A Cognitive Computing Approach to Automatically Capturing, Storing and Sharing Distributed Knowledge Across the Enterprise Dr. Manny Aparicio, Saffron Technology
Cognitive Computing
Managing Big Data: No Longer a “Nice to Have” Jeremiah Stone, GE Intelligent Platforms Software
Technical - Intermediate
Big Data
Semantic Modeling for Automated Decisions Klaus Reichenberger, intelligent views
Case Study
Just Direct Your Neurons to the Sunny Side of AI Anthony (Tony) K. Sarris, N2Semantics
Artificial Intelligence
Knowledge Representation for the Industrial Semantic Web Louis Robert Pokorny, XSB, Inc.
David Winchell, XSB, Inc.
Technical - Intermediate
Knowledge Engineering and Management
Rise of the Machines or More Power to the Humans? Piyush Malik, IBM
Cognitive Computing
The Power of Deep Reasoning with Large Graph Data Benjamin Grosof, Coherent Knowledge
Janine Bloomfield, Coherent Knowledge Systems
Technical - Intermediate
Knowledge Engineering and Management
Break 02:45 PM - 03:00 PM
Sessions and Panels 03:00 PM - 03:45 PM
Title Speakers Audience Track
From AI to Deep Learning to Cognitive Computing: A Pathway from Innovation to Better Quality of Work Tim Estes, Digital Reasoning
Technical - Introductory
Artificial Intelligence
Cognitive Computing
Deep Learning
How Can Protégé Bootstrap Your Semantic Application? A Deep Dive into the Coolest Features of Protégé and the Latest Oracle Spatial and Graph Integration Rafael S Gonçalves, Stanford University
Isai Barajas Cicourel, Oracle
Zhe Wu, Oracle
Technical - Intermediate
Semantic Technology
Evolving Data Integration Using Semantic Technologies: A NoETL Approach Juan Sequeda, Capsenta
Technical - Intermediate
Semantic Technology
How Big Data Predictive Analytics will Change the Investment Industry Lars Hamberg, AFAM Funds
Business Applications
Better Decision Making Using Cognitive Computing Paul Hofmann, Space-Time Insight
Technical - Intermediate
Cognitive Computing
Visualizing Text! Seth Redmore, Lexalytics, Inc.
Technical - Introductory
Text Analysis
Integrating Semantics and Numerics: Case Study on Enhancing Genomic and Disease Data Using Linked Data Technologies Deborah L. McGuinness, RPI and McGuinness Associates
Technical - Intermediate
Semantic Technology
TS6: Semantics and NoSQL: How (and Why) to Do Semantics in a NoSQL Document Store / Database (continued from above)  
Lightning Talks 04:00 PM - 04:30 PM
Title Speakers Audience Track
Putting the Web Back in Semantic Web Applications Evren Sirin, Complexible Inc
Technical - Intermediate
Semantic Technology
Qualinca, a Research Project Dealing with the Quality of Document Databases Julien Gibert, ABES
Technical - Intermediate
The Algebra Behind the Algebraix Technology Platform Rich Benci, Algebraix Data
Evolving Analytical Tooling
What Disease is in Your Future - Exploring the Probability Graph Jans Aasman, Franz Inc
Case Study
Knowledge Engineering and Management
Data Ninja Services for Deep Content Understanding Trung Diep, DOCOMO Innovations, Inc.
Product/Service Offering
Text Analysis
Exhibits and Reception 04:30 PM - 06:30 PM
Wednesday, 8/19/2015
Joint Opening Keynotes - Smart Data and NoSQL Now 08:30 AM - 09:00 AM
Title Speakers Audience Track
The Internet Enterprise: How to Scale Out for High Performance Customer Engagement Billy Bosworth, DataStax
Big Data
Industry Trends
Shared Session - NoSQL Now and Smart Data
Joint Opening Keynote 09:00 AM - 09:30 AM
Title Speakers Audience Track
How Cognitive Computing Will Drive the Future of Analytics Subutai Ahmad, Numenta, Inc.
Cognitive Computing
Shared Session - NoSQL Now and Smart Data
Joint Opening Keynote 09:30 AM - 09:45 AM
Title Speakers Audience Track
The Algebra of Data Robin Bloor, The Bloor Group
Technical - Introductory
Industry Trends
Shared Session - NoSQL Now and Smart Data
Break 09:45 AM - 10:00 AM
Sessions and Panels 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM
Title Speakers Audience Track
Reasoning Over Big Data Stores Eric Little, OSTHUS Inc.
Technical - Introductory
Big Data
Shared Session - NoSQL Now and Smart Data
The Wikidata Query Service - A Knowledge Graph Application Powered by Blazegraph Peter Haase, Metaphacts, GmbH
Bryan Thompson, SYSTAP, LLC
Stanislav Malyshev, Wikimedia Foundation
Technical - Intermediate
Shared Session - NoSQL Now and Smart Data
Leveraging AI on Data to Get Smarter Faster Steven Gustafson, GE Global Research
Donald Thompson, MAANA
Artificial Intelligence
Internet of Things (IoT)
Yes it Works: Semantic Technologies for Risk Controls and Compliance Certification Elie Abi-Lahoud, Quarule, Inc.
Wesley Moore, Quarule, Inc.
Business Applications
On the Edge: How to Overcome the Content-Related Challenges of Building a Semantic Publishing System Fran Alexander, BCA Research
Knowledge Engineering and Management
Semantic Repository of Linked Data for Interoperability of Software Defined Car Pratikkumar Desai, Movimento Group
Technical - Intermediate
Semantic Technology
Move Over Siri, the Future of All Devices is Voice Tim Tuttle, Expect Labs
Technical - Introductory
Machine Learning
Practical Applications of Semantic Web in Pharma Ranga Chandra Gidivada, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC)
Technical - Intermediate
Semantic Technology
The Case for Cognitive Computing Susan E. Feldman, Synthexis, Cognitive Computing Consortium
Cognitive Computing
FIBO Keynote 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM
Break 10:45 AM - 11:00 AM
Smart Data Products and Systems 11:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Title Speakers Audience Track
Beyond Semantic Web Standards - Enterprise Deployments Require More From Linked Data: A Decade of Experience at Oracle Xavier Lopez, Oracle
Matt Perry, Oracle
Souripriya Das, Oracle
Product/Service Offering
Semantic Technology
SharePoint meets Semantics: Content Navigation & Intelligent Findability Inside the World's Most Prolific Collaboration Platform Bryan Bell, Expert System
Semantic Technology
Using the Algebra of Data Makes Business Analytics Affordable Robin Bloor, The Bloor Group
Rich Benci, Algebraix Data Corp.
Evolving Analytical Tooling
Take the “Smart” Approach to your Data Lake Strategy Sean Martin, Cambridge Semantics
Semantic Technology
Hunting Criminals with Hybrid Analytics, Semi-supervised Learning & Agent Feedback David Talby, Atigeo
Claudiu Branzan, Atigeo
Big Data
FIBO Sessions 1: Semantic Lineage and Mapping 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Title Speakers Audience Track
Leveraging FIBO to build out a Business Architecture Model Dean Allemang, Working Ontologist, LLC
Technical - Introductory
Financial Industry
Semantic Technology
Agile Enterprise Ontology Dave McComb, Semantic Arts
Technical - Introductory
Financial Industry
Semantic Technology
A Semantic Solution for Financial Regulatory Compliance Mike G. Bennett, Hypercube Ltd.
Technical - Introductory
Financial Industry
Semantic Technology
Break 11:30 AM - 11:45 AM
Sessions and Panels 11:45 AM - 12:30 PM
Title Speakers Audience Track
How to Analyze 72 Billion Messages a Day to Find Trends Nova Spivack, Bottlenose
Barry Dauber, Bottlenose
Technical - Introductory
Big Data
Evolving Analytical Tooling
Spark and SPARQL for the Intelligent Data Lake Jans Aasman, Franz Inc
Technical - Intermediate
Advanced Data Analysis Techniques
Shared Session - NoSQL Now and Smart Data
Designing Hybrid Data Solutions with NoSQL and RDF Kurt Cagle, Semantical, LLC
Shared Session - NoSQL Now and Smart Data
The PNNL Streaming HYpothesis REasoning (SHYRE) Use Case William P Smith, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Deborah L McGuinness, RPI and McGuinness Associates
Technical - Advanced
Semantic Technology
Deep Learning for Real Problems in Language and Image Understanding Richard Socher, MetaMind
Technical - Intermediate
Deep Learning
Natural Language Processing
Semantic Intelligence to Find the Right Clients – Successful Marketing & Sales Processes in High Value Private Business Leo Keller, Blue Ocean Semantic Web Solutions GmbH Zürich-Switzerland
Business Applications - Extending Benefits Richard Wallis, Data Liberate
Technical - Intermediate
She Said, It Said… - How We Learn From Dialogs Between Humans and Virtual Assistants Eric Aili, Artificial Solutions
Sonja Petrovic Lundberg, Artificial Solutions
Technical - Intermediate
Natural Language Processing
The Commercialization of Cognitive Systems: Transforming the Software Market David Schubmehl, IDC
Cognitive Computing
Lunch Break 12:30 PM - 01:30 PM
Keynote Presentation (Each session 30 minutes) 01:30 PM - 02:30 PM
Title Speakers Audience Track
Smart Machines - and What They Can Still Learn from People Gary Marcus, NYU
Industry Trends
RoboBrain: Large-Scale Knowledge Engine for Robots Ashutosh Saxena, Stanford University
Aditya Jami, Predict Effect
Technical - Intermediate
Artificial Intelligence
Knowledge Engineering and Management
Machine Learning
FIBO Sessions 2: Semantic Reasoning in the Financial Industry 01:30 PM - 03:45 PM
Title Speakers Audience Track
Getting Value from Ontologies in Today’s IT Environment Pete Rivett, Adaptive, Inc.
Financial Industry
Semantic Technology
Thoughts on FIBO for Compliance: A Blind Date with a Nascent Standard Wesley Moore, Quarule, Inc.
Elie Abi-Lahoud, Quarule, Inc.
Financial Industry
Semantic Technology
Applying FIBO for Operational Benefit: An exploration of FIBO’s semantic capabilities for various financial use cases David Newman, Wells Fargo
Technical - Introductory
Financial Industry
Semantic Technology
Exhibits Open 02:30 PM - 07:30 PM
Break on Exhibit Floor 02:30 PM - 03:00 PM
Sessions and Panels 03:00 PM - 03:45 PM
Title Speakers Audience Track
Is "Deep Learning" really a Big Deal? Dave Sullivan, Blackcloud BSG
Technical - Intermediate
Deep Learning
Discovering the Power of Dark Data Emil Eifrem, Neo Technology
Big Data
Shared Session - NoSQL Now and Smart Data
Better Together - Triples, Documents, and Data in Combination Stephen Buxton, MarkLogic
Shared Session - NoSQL Now and Smart Data
The Five Tribes of Machine Learning, and What You Can Take from Each Pedro Domingos, University of Washington
Technical - Intermediate
Machine Learning
A Website’s Structured Data Success Story Jarno van Driel, Sanoma Digital NL
Case Study
Being Smart About Aggregated User Content: Lessons Learned from Analyzing One of the Largest Repositories of User Generated Content Ever Assembled Tim A. Musgrove Ph.D, Temnos
Technical - Intermediate
Context/Sentiment Analysis
Text Analysis
Intelligent Interactions with Search Results: Getting Beyond Those Blue Results Lists Tom Reamy, KAPS Group
Case Study
Deep Learning for Diagnosing Disease Ahna Girshick, Enlitic
Technical - Introductory
Deep Learning
Break 03:45 PM - 04:00 PM
Smart Data Products and Systems 04:00 PM - 04:30 PM
Title Speakers Audience Track
Automating Interoperability for the Composable Enterprise Dave Duggal, EnterpriseWeb
Technical - Intermediate
Cloud Computing
Achieving a 200% Increase in Time Onsite with the Blazegraph High Availability Graph Database Bryan Thompson, SYSTAP, LLC
Product/Service Offering
Shared Session - NoSQL Now and Smart Data
MetaExpert Systems for Enterprises Alex Seregin, MetaFormula Inc
Jeff (Yefim) Zhuk, ITS, Inc
Product/Service Offering
Knowledge Engineering and Management
22otters: A Targeted, Customizable, Intelligent Personal Assistant for Patient Care Charles R Jankowski, Gamgee
Ann Thyme-Gobbel, Gamgee
Technical - Advanced
Natural Language Processing
Ontotext GraphDB™ Connectors: Powering Complex, Faceted Search Queries Marin Dimitrov, Ontotext
Technical - Advanced
Shared Session - NoSQL Now and Smart Data
FIBO Sessions 3: FIBO in Reality 04:00 PM - 05:30 PM
Title Speakers Audience Track
FIBO Lessons Learned with a Big Bank Elisa Kendall, Thematix Partners LLC
Case Study
Financial Industry
LEI Resolver and Global LEI URI Identifier Randall Coleman, Wizdom Systems Inc.
Technical - Introductory
Financial Industry
Semantic Technology
Building The Finance Industry Business Ontology (FIBO) Dennis Wisnosky, EDM Council
Financial Industry
Semantic Technology
Break 04:30 PM - 04:45 PM
Sessions and Panels 04:45 PM - 05:30 PM
Title Speakers Audience Track
Creating Personal Profiles Across Time and Distance Duane Degler, Design for Context
Technical - Intermediate
Ontology Alignment in Business and in Life Richard I Mallah, Cambridge Semantics, Inc.
Knowledge Engineering and Management
Semantic Interoperability in HealthCare Ranga Chandra Gidivada, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC)
David Booth, Hawaii Resource Group
Technical - Introductory
Semantic Technology
Semantic Analytics Thomas J Kelly, Cognizant Technology Solutions
Arthur Keen, Keen Analytics
Technical - Intermediate
Data Science
Affective Search: How Does Affect Impact Web Search Performance? Towards Smart Emotional Neuro Search Engines: An Extension of the Human Brain Niloufar Sarraf, QUT
Technical - Introductory
Streaming Analytics and Cognitive Computing: Changing the Game Jason Bloomberg, Intellyx
Industry Trends
Applying Deep Learning to Recommender Systems - Making Smart Systems Smarter Sumeet Vij, Booz Allen Hamilton
Technical - Intermediate
Deep Learning
Exhibits and Reception 05:30 PM - 07:30 PM
Thursday, 8/20/2015
Tutorials 08:30 AM - 11:45 AM
Title Speakers Audience Track
AM1: Integrating and Analyzing Data Using Semantics and NoSQL David S Read, infuzIT
Margo Chanin, infuzIT
Sarah Read, infuzIT
Technical - Intermediate
Semantic Technology
AM2: Natural Logic John F. Sowa, VivoMind Research, LLC
Technical - Advanced
Cognitive Computing
AM3: Introduction to RDF and Semantic Reasoning Mark Wallace, Modus Operandi, Inc.
Technical - Introductory
Semantic Technology
AM4: Big Data Analysis with the R Language and Linked Data Brian Sletten, Bosatsu Consulting, Inc.
Technical - Intermediate
Advanced Data Analysis Techniques
Data Science
Shared Session - NoSQL Now and Smart Data
AM5: Machine Learning and Visualization in Big Data Charlie Vollmer, ML Engineering
Technical - Advanced
Data Science
Shared Session - NoSQL Now and Smart Data
Break 10:00 AM - 10:15 AM
Lunch Break 11:45 AM - 01:00 PM
Tutorials 01:00 PM - 04:15 PM
Title Speakers Audience Track
PM1: Building an Enterprise Ontology in Less Than 90 Days Dave McComb, Semantic Arts Inc.
Semantic Technology
PM2: Cognitive NLP Adam Pease, IPsoft
Technical - Intermediate
Natural Language Processing
PM3: Visual Analytics for Big Data in Python Charlie Vollmer, ML Engineering
Technical - Intermediate
Data Science
Break 02:30 PM - 02:45 PM

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